Confessions of a Reader

I do some pretty crazy things that some people say are weird but I don’t. Hopefully you guys can relate

30 things crazy readers do:

  1. Re-read books on my shelf rather than reading the unread books
  2. Make countdowns for release dates
  3. Smell books.
  4. Just sit and think about a book I’ve read, not read it just think about it.
  5. Check the Indigo events page every day to see if a favourite author is coming to town
  6. Try to incorporate books into every single conversation
  7. Only buying people gifts that have to do with books
  8. Going on over extensive book buying sprees
  9. Looking up book quotes and spend hours looking at them
  10. If I see someone reading a book I’ve read and enjoyed, ill make sure to tell them
  11. Pulling all-nighters just to finish a book
  12. Reading instead of working
  13. Take a book everywhere even to social events
  14. Constantly re-organizing personal bookshelves to the point that the shelves are always more organized than the room itself
  15. If a book is misplaced in a library or bookstore I put it back
  16. Crying over character deaths, even in public
  17. Having people come to you for book recommendations
  18. Being too sensitive about my books being handled with care
  19. Remembering something specific based on what book you were reading at the time
  20. Crushing on book characters
  21. Look for hours upon hours on the internet for even the smallest details on sequels
  22. Bugging EVERYONE into reading your favourite book
  23. Spending too much time deciding which book to buy and then either finally picking a book or having to leave because you still can’t decide
  24. Not packing enough books when you go to a foreign language country and having nothing to read
  25. Dreaming what it would be like to own 1000s of books
  26. Getting in arguments over books
  27. Putting book preorder receipts up on my wall
  28. Spending an hour trying to find a comfortable position to read before reading
  29. Knowing all the book terminology (TBR pile, DFN, Book hangover, OTP)
  30. Never having enough time to read.

Can you relate, I would love to know. Thanks for reading.

-Letter My Reading

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